Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd. oil and gas business department is energy distribution division that operates 20 gas stations and 10 gas filling stations in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces, 17 gas stations and 9 charging stations in Daegu and Yeongnam. It is supplying fuel for various vehicles and industries, and energy for home heating.
In addition, we are leading environmental conservation and energy saving by producing eco-friendly fuel container for portable butane combustor (gas stove) and supplying fuel recharge, and implementing safety management by introducing Mobile Video Information Technology (MVIT) which is a video-based safety management system.
Daesung Industrial Petroleum Gas Business Division is reviewing local business feasibility by sending container sample to export rechargeable butane can and charging facility, and expecting to explore overseas market through visit and survey overseas countries when COVID-19 is relieved.